Group photo of Proforma consortium members

Report from the PROFORMA Project closure symposium

After six years, the PROFORMA project came to an end. To celebrate all the achievements and the new doctors within the project, a closure symposium was held in Stockholm, Sweden on 19 December 2024. Representatives from all consortium partners attended the event. Karolinska Institutet’s president Annika Östman Wernerson was invited to give the opening remark, in which she acknowledged the significant achievements of the PROFORMA project.

During the symposium, Professor Eleni Aklillu provided an overview of the PROFORMA project’s objectives, key milestones, and its impact on strengthening pharmacovigilance and post-marketing surveillance systems in Kenya, Tanzania, Ethiopia, and Rwanda. Each country then showcased a short video highlighting the project’s role in enhancing their national pharmacovigilance systems.

Videos presented by the countries

  • Rwanda
  • Ethiopia
  • Tanzania (link will be added soon)
  • Kenya (link will be added soon)

The PROFORMA PhD graduates shared their PhD journeys through pre-recorded videos, highlighting both the successes and challenges during their journeys, and expressing deep gratitude to EDCTP, Sida, and Karolinska Institutet for the opportunity to pursue their PhDs.

Dr. Abbie Barry, Dr. Adam Fimbo, Dr. Tigist Dires, Prof. Eleni Aklillu, Dr. Christabel Khaemba, Dr. Joseph Kabatende.

Videos presented by the PhD students:

The afternoon was dedicated to group discussions on future research and collaboration prospects. Topics included regional collaborations to harmonize medicine regulation across the East African Community, as well as North-South and South-South collaborations.
The event ended with a cake ceremony to celebrate the successful project.


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